I Just Cummed in My Little Sister Again

My Naughty Piddling Sister.

I. We Become Angling

I am an English girl. My proper name is Mary Brown. When I was a little girl, I had a little sister. She was smaller than I. And she was very naughty.

I want to tell y'all some stories about my naughty little sister. Hither is the first story.

One twenty-four hours, when my little sister was four year quondam, some children came to our firm. They all had angling-nets.

"Mary, let's go fishing1," they said to me.

"May I go fishing?" I asked my female parent.

"Yes, yous may," said my mother.

And she gave me a fishing-net, some bread and butter and a bottle of milk.

And so my naughty little sister said:

"I want to go! I want to go, likewise!"

"You may get, Nancy," said my mother to my piffling sister. "But y'all can't catch fish. You must not go into the water."

So she did non give my sister a fishing-internet. But my sister liked to selection upwards little stones, and my mother gave her a trivial bag to put them in. Then she gave her some staff of life and butter and a little bottle of milk and a big apple, as well.

"Nancy must not get into the water. You must look after2 her," my female parent said to me.

"All correct, Mother," I said.

We went to the little river. Then my friends and I took off our shoes and socks and went into the h2o to fish with our fishing-nets. It was summer, and the water was warm.

"You must not get into the water," I said to my sister. "Don't take off your shoes and socks. You tin can't fish. Option stones and put them into your handbag."

We fished and fished, merely we did non grab any fish. Then one boy said:

"Expect, your sister is in the water."

We saw my naughty little sis in the water with her shoes and socks on.

"Become out of the water3!" I said.

"No," said my naughty little sister.

I wanted to grab her, but she ran away and fell down in the h2o. Her dress was wet, her hair was wet, and her shoes and socks were wet, too.

We pulled her out of the water.

"She may catch cold4," said the children.

"Go and sit in the dominicus!" they said to her.

Nosotros took off her wet things and put them all on the grass to dry. My sister began to weep.

We gave her some bread and butter, and she ate information technology all up5. She ate up all her bread and butter and all my bread and butter. She drank her milk and my milk, too. So she ate her apple tree.

When her dress and her shoes and socks were dry6, she put them on and we went home.

"Your sister was in the h2o," said my mother.

"How did yous estimate, Female parent," I said. "We stale all her things."

"Yep, you dried them, but yous did not fe them."

At supper I did not get any cake. Mother said:

"Simply bread and butter for you. You did not wait subsequently your sister very well."

Then I got only breadstuff and butter.

My sister went to bed, and my mother gave her some hot milk.

But do you know what my mother plant in the piddling bag?

She found a fish! Yes, a little fish!

"Expect!" said my female parent. "Your piddling sister caught a fish with her fiddling pocketbook."

II. My Naughty Little Sister Is Sick

My little sister liked to talk. She talked to everybody. She talked to the people who came to our house. She talked to the people in the street and in the shops. She talked to her friend the postman. Everybody liked to talk to my niggling sis. She was very funny.

1 day my picayune sister roughshod ill7.

"I am sick," she said.

"You must stay in bed," said my female parent, "and I shall call the doctor8."

"No md! Bad doctor! I don't similar the doc!" said my naughty piffling sister.

"The doctor is a nice man. He will brand you well again9," I said to Nancy.

My female parent gave Nancy a cup of hot milk. She gave her a doll and her all-time books. Simply my petty sister did not want to play with her toys. She did not want to look at the pictures in her books.

"I am ill today," she said. Her friend the postman came to run into her. He gave her a big red apple tree, a pencil and a picayune notebook, and he gave my mother a alphabetic character.

"I am ill," said my fiddling sister to the postman. "I must stay in bed and drink hot milk and look at the pictures in my books. I don't like to stay in bed. I don't desire the doctor! Bad doctor!"

"Good doctor! He volition brand you well again," said the postman. "You will before long play in the room then in the garden."

In the afternoon my father came domicile. He saw my little sister in bed.

"Why are you in bed?" asked my father.

"I am ill," said my little sister. "I must stay in bed and drinkable hot milk and expect at the pictures in my books."

"Presently the doctor will come, and he will make you well once more," said Begetter.

"No doctor! Bad doctor! I don't like the doctor!"

"The dr. has a little black pocketbook," said Male parent. "He has many interesting things in his bag."

"What things?" asked my piffling sister.

"I can't tell y'all. Simply y'all will encounter them when the doctor comes."

Now my lilliputian sister did not say Bad dr.!

When my mother came into the room with the doctor, Nancy said:

"How-do-you-do, Doctor! Where is your pocketbook? Show me the interesting things in your handbag, delight!" She did not forget to say delight.

"Howdy, petty girl!" said the dr.. "Here is my bag, and here are the things in my pocketbook. Are they interesting?"

My niggling sister looked at the physician'southward blackness bag. She looked at all the things in the bag. She opened her mouth and did all that the dr. told her to do.

And then he said: "That'south all, piddling girl. Good-adieu. You will soon exist well once again. Your mother will give you some medicine. You will take it three times a day10 like a good picayune girl. Are you lot a proficient trivial girl?"

"Oh, yes, Medico, I am a very expert girl," said my naughty piffling sis. "Delight come again tomorrow. I want to see the things in your bag once again."



Permit's get fishing - пойдём ловить рыбу



Y'all must await afterwards her - Ты должна за ней присматривать



Become out of the water!-Выходи из воды!



She may catch cold-Она может простудиться



I shall telephone call the medico-я вызову доктора



Не will make you well again-Он вылечит тебя



You will take it iii times a day - Ты будешь принимать его (лекарство) три раза в день


Source: https://www.rulit.me/books/my-naughty-little-sister-read-26728-1.html

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